Discover the institutional partners of SIA'PRO, who support and actively participate in this major event for the agricultural sector.

Agri Sud-Ouest: Together let's grow innovation

Logo Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation

Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is a vital player in supporting agricultural and agri-food businesses in Southwestern France. Since its creation, the association has been dedicated to innovation in the agricultural sector, backing research, development, and the promotion of agricultural technologies. Agri Sud-Ouest actively contributes to developing innovative solutions, particularly for energy and ecological transitions.

Logo “The hub' for agicultural innovation” in purple and green on a white background.

Ce partenariat prend forme avec la concrétisation du Hub Européen de l’Innovation Agricole. Un espace est dédié aux acteurs français et européens du secteur agricole pour présenter leurs solutions innovantes. Retrouvez des stands de start-ups et clusters regroupés par pays pour mettre en lumière leurs solutions innovantes, ainsi que des interventions et prises de parole ciblées sur les enjeux de l’Agriculture d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

Agronov: Innovation for agroécologie

Agronov is the regional innovation network dedicated to sustainable agriculture. This cluster brings together businesses, researchers, and institutional partners, playing a key role in developing tomorrow’s agricultural solutions. Its mission is to foster technologies that address the environmental, economic, and societal challenges facing agriculture.

At SIA’PRO, Agronov will showcase collaborative, innovative projects, particularly those aimed at boosting productivity while adhering to sustainability principles. Visitors will have the chance to discover practical solutions for a more resilient and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Learn more about Agronov
Logo Agronov
Logo Cofarming

COFARMING: Collective enterprises & drivers of agricultural transitions

COFARMING aims to promote cooperation among farmers by facilitating access to shared resources: equipment, skills, or financial means. This unique network leverages intelligent networking between farms, enabling cost-sharing and resource optimization while improving agricultural performance.

Their presence at SIA'PRO will highlight solutions and shared experiences addressing the need for economic efficiency and knowledge-sharing.

Don’t miss the “France’s Most Beautiful Farm” award ceremony, held at the "Café des Agris" space on Tuesday, February 25th, from 11:00 to 11:45.

Learn more about COFARMING

Training the leaders of tomorrow's agriculture

Hectar is a school founded by entrepreneurs and agricultural stakeholders. It offers a unique program to train farmers and professionals for the agriculture of tomorrow. The school’s training programs integrate ecological transition challenges with current economic demands.

Meet Hectar at SIA'PRO, where they will share their initiatives and projects. Their goal: to train a new generation of agricultural leaders capable of addressing the modernization and sustainability challenges of the sector.

Learn more about Hectar
Logo Hectar
Logo Nuffield

Nuffield: International exchange and innovation in agriculture

Nuffield France supports international exchange and agricultural innovation through research grants. Nuffield’s goal is to enable young agricultural leaders from around the world to share their experiences and knowledge. By encouraging international mobility and the exchange of best practices, Nuffield contributes to a deeper understanding of global agricultural challenges and offers innovative solutions to improve farm performance.

At SIA'PRO, Nuffield will spotlight its international cooperation projects and initiatives to support global agricultural innovation.

Learn more about Nuffield

Agridées: Reflect - share - progress

As a think tank for agricultural businesses, Agridées has been a unique hub for questioning, debating, and expertise since its foundation in 1867. Agridées fosters innovation for agricultural, agri-food, and agro-industrial sectors by focusing on the functioning and development of these industries.

Apolitical and independent, Agridées organizes events and working groups throughout the year to generate and disseminate innovative ideas and proposals. Through its Notes and Analyses, Agridées Journal, and conferences, the think tank highlights the actions and reflections of individuals committed to advancing 21st-century agriculture.

The Agridées team includes internal and external collaborators, administrators, and an elected Board of Directors. They are specialists in their fields, authors of articles and publications, and always on the lookout for new developments in their areas of expertise.

Learn more about Agridées
Logo AgriDées

A must-visit event to discover tomorrow’s agricultural innovations

SIA'PRO 2025 is the perfect opportunity to meet these institutional partners and explore the solutions they advocate for the future of agriculture. Through conferences, exchanges, and professional networking, these innovation leaders will offer concrete pathways to address challenges in ecological transition, economic efficiency, and farm modernization.

Join Agri Sud-Ouest, Agronov, COFARMING, Hectar, Nuffield, Agridées, and many more at SIA’PRO from February 23rd to 25th, 2025. The event’s mission: addressing the challenges faced by farmers.